The connections between HTML and SEO are very important to notice when building a website. It is important to use certain tags or small pieces of HTML so that search engines can properly read the content that is in your website. When a search engines crawler comes across the content on your website, it looks at the HTML tags that are used to determine what the content is about and how to categorize the information on the website. HTML tags will affect hoe your website perform on the internet.

The first important tag to use is a title tag. This tag helps Google or Bing or any other search engine find your website The title tag does not necessarily have to match the title of the website or article. The title tag should be the question that the target market is searching. The second tag that is very important for SEO is the meta description tag. This is similar to the title tag because this information shows in search results of Google. Another important tag to include in any website or article that you want to be found by the target market is the header tag. Most visitors to any website spend fifteen seconds skimming the content of the website. Headlines make is easier for people to find what they are looking for quickly.

It is always important to consider what HTML tags are used in your website when thinking about SEO and how your platform will perform.

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One Response

  1. Mia Campagna says:

    This was a very informational post, and it goes along with a lot of what we talked about in class this week. I think the title tag is extremely important, because most users (including myself) will not read any further if the title tag does not match what content I was looking for/expecting.

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