SEO Specialists: What They Do & How To Become One

By Caroline Marshall

When developing a digital marketing strategy for your company, one of the best places to start is hiring an SEO specialist. SEO specialists are trained to optimize your website so that it will rank better in search engine results. By using analytic services, they help your site to attract more organic traffic and track results.

What does it mean to “be an SEO”?

Being an SEO involves many different types of work, from creating keywords to writing content for websites. They understand popular search terms, the way search engines work, and website optimization. To become successful, it is a career that requires significant dedication, hard work, and patience.

Steps to become an SEO Expert:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of SEO. Take advantage of online tutorials and paid online courses to provide a foundation to expand your knowledge.
  2. Research current practices and algorithms. It is important to stay up-to-date to adjust strategy.
  3. Practice what you learn. To gain hands-on experience, optimize your own website using the techniques you learned.
  4. Build your online presence. List yourself on freelance websites, join industry forums, and build a website or blog that showcases expertise for potential clients.
  5. Stay up-to-date. SEO is constantly evolving, so experts shouls regularly read industry news and blogs, attend online conferences, join webinars and strive to learn something new every day.

How long does it take to become an SEO specialist?

The process of becoming an SEO specialist can vary for everyone, depending upon how quickly you can learn the basics. If you are learning from scratch and need experience in the field, it can take over a year. For those that are familiar with SEO, becoming a specialist can be done in a few months.

Implementing SEO strategies requires learning new algorithms, search engine tools, and other technologies.

To speed up the process:

  1. Learn from relevant case studies. This will help you to better understand how other SEO experts have approached similar issues
  2. Invest in automation tools. These will help you save time and energy when optimizing sites.
  3. Create a structured learning plan. It will help you stay on track with goals to progress quickly.
  4. Network. Attend networking events, conferences, and webinars to learn from professionals.
  5. Reach out to an expert. Ask them for advice or assistance.

While these steps won’t make you an SEO expert in 3 months, with dedication and hard work, you’ll develop the skill set necessary to attract more traffic to your clients’ sites.

Benefits of becoming an SEO Specialist

  • High-paying freelance opportunities
  • Personal satisfaction
  • Increasing demand for experts
  • Rewarding career


Becoming an SEO expert is a career that is highly rewarding when the proper dedication and hard work is put in. If your time is used wisely, you can speed up the process by learning new algorithms, search engine tools, and other technologies. Additionally, practicing and implementing knowledge, attending webinars, and reaching out to experts can help you to succeed.

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One Response

  1. AMealy says:

    A huge part of being an SEO specialist is deeply understanding the field in which you are working, the company or client, and the motivations, attributes, and behaviors of their customers. That is, you cannot effectively optimize a site without knowing the context and anticipating the culture and needs of the market.

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