Microsoft’s Bing AI Chatbot

Microsoft’s search engine Bing has recently been optimized with a newly enhanced artificial intelligence aspect. With it, users can phrase their questions and needs in much more complex ways. This will cause drastic changes in SEO as search will become more of a conversation amongst the server and the user. The artificial intelligence can respond in bullet points, simplified responses, or in traditional text format. Users can also add the AI to group chats and ask questions. The AI functions by searching algorithms and then selects responses based on lessons learned from scanning billions of pieces of text on the internet. The broad tasks that this AI can perform is impressive. It can perform simple tasks such as answering math problems, and it can perform more complex requests like writing an essay about the industrial revolution. The depths of what users can search and how they can search it has been expanded, and it is bound to change SEO greatly. Companies will need to have a strong understanding of this AI, in order to stay relevant on the internet. I personally don’t believe in the use of AI and think it may lead to humans becoming obsolete. It may lead us to no longer use our critical thinking skills and trust computers to perform for us. However, it seems like the use of artificial intelligence is going nowhere and is something we should become accustomed to.

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2 Responses

  1. talkorf19 says:

    These seems like a push from a lot of major tech companies to produce things like this AI and use it for things a human once did. Now it can do it faster and maybe even better. I do agree with the point that we may lose some of our critical thinking skills because we can just let the AI handle it for us. It is still interesting to see how far AI can go but also looks like we are a long way away from AI completely making humans obsolete.

  2. krausda21 says:

    great post! I am deeply terrified about this chat GPT thing and think that there is a lot of grey area that we are unsure of what it can do and underestimate how smart this chat box is.

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