Risks of Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is a dangerous practice due to its manipulation of proper SEO tactics. While some Black Hat SEO strategies seem worth the risk due to their quick results, what should be understood is that these results come at a great risk.

After the development of SEO as a professional field, major search engines have created thorough systems designed to catch Black Hat SEO and stop the sites that practice it. This can mean a site is dropped very low on the SERP, sometimes even pages deeper than usual, or even a site being taken down.

Because of these harsh rules, here are three Black Hat SEO strategies you should avoid.

  1. Keyword Stuffing- While it may seem like the smartest way to prioritize your content on the SERP, keyword stuffing is actually a part of Black Hat SEO. Filling your content with excessive keywords is dishonest SEO practice.
  2. Hidden Text- Similar to keyword stuffing, hiding keywords using invisible text or placing it under an image is Black Hat SEO. All SEO should be through organic use of keywords, rather than hiding the content.
  3. Misleading Links- If you place a link on your site that makes the user believe they will go one way, but then they are directed to a completely different site, this is a misleading link and counts as Black Hat SEO
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