SEO Content: How To Find The Best Blog Topics

By Caroline Marshall

When creating a business or personal blog, it is crucial to be posting regular content so that your audience is entertained and engaged. However, oftentimes it can become difficult to come up with ideas that relate to the audience and promote business. To come up with original ideas, here are the best places to find subjects for search engine optimization (SEO)-friendly content.

Blog topic ideas with Google

Google allows you to find blog topic ideas by providing updated information about popular keywords and search entries. Use the following Google tools to boost your blog posts:

  • Google Trends
    • This tool analyzes trending Google searches and the competitors for your subject. Use this to find subjects and keywords without competition.
  • Google Keyword Planner
    • Input a keyword and it will provide you with a list of common search questions containing it.
  • Google Suggest
    • Use the section under the search box to explore ideas related to your initial search term.
  • Google Related Searches
    • Check the bottom of the search page to find additional related ideas for your content.

Use keyword research tools

To better promote your business online, it is extremely helpful to use keyword research tools to find the topics that people are looking for. the most popular tools include:

  • Answer the Public
    • Finds questions that people have and provides a list of suggestions
  • Quora
    • Allows you to see how may times a question has been asked regarding any topic, which can help you to decide which subjects are best for your blog post
  • SEMrush
    • Research tool that determines which terms your website can target and better understand to reach readers

Look at website analytics

Check and see which of your blog posts are the most engaging, and continue to make relevant content. If analytics show that a topic is still popular, continue to attract customers and readers to your page. To get new ideas from website analytics:

  1. Use Google Analytics to see your top-performing posts
  2. Use your search bar and see when your page comes up
  3. Read the Search Terms report (Google Analytics) for relevant keywords

Check your competition

By looking at competitor websites, you can study what users like best and apply these topics to your own site. To find the information you need, make sure to evaluate their content, find out the tools they use, and examine their social media strategy.

Tune into social media platforms

Pay close attention to your own social media platforms (hashtags, shares, comments, etc.) and see what elements are successful. If something receives a lot of engagement, post blogs with similar content. To improve “social listening” abilities, remember the following tips:

  • Have a clear idea of what you want to learn from the information you gather
  • Use a social listening tool (Ex: Hootsuite or HubSpot) to find good blog topics
  • Find relevant data using keywords, and input these words into blog content


By using these tips and tricks, you should be able to find plenty of topics that are relevant to your blog. By researching keywords, using website analytics, checking competition, etc. you will be able to bring your blog to the next level.

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