Something to Add to Your SEO Strategy

The Search Engine Optimization world is all about key word research. While this main tactic businesses use, an article argues that thought leadership is one of three tactics that should be considered more important in order to gain more online customers. Thought leadership is about how your customers perceive you and your brand. It is the thought that first comes into their mind when they first think of your business. The article says, “Your goal is to write content so thought-provoking and distinct that people can’t help but share it, link to it and promote it.” A company should not want to create spam, but instead should want to make content that invites the user to click and see what you are writing about.

The author of the article gives an example of how he wrote a blog post for his website and weeks later had hundreds of backlinks from higher-up companies. At the end of his blog post, he added an open-ended question to get the readers to share and post their responses. He wrote with a striking tone and added examples to really capture the reader’s attention. He mentions that writing in this way can make your content go viral and add benefits to a company’s SEO strategy. Key words are helpful, but writing in a way that makes the readers think and want to respond can give a company a head up from its competition.

Article link: Don’t Use The Same SEO Playbook As Your Competitors. Use These 3 SEO Tactics Instead. | Entrepreneur

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2 Responses

  1. hoviscc22 says:

    I think this is an insightful blog that highlights the importance of the content of a site. If you do not leave a lasting thought in the user’s head, the keywords that led them to your site are worthless. The goal is to gain mindshare from the viewer. Make the viewer interested and invested in your content.

  2. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    Creating insightful and intelligent content is a great way to improve your search engine optimization! I like how you discussed being a thought leader as a way to increase SEO. If your customers think your business is reputable and trustworthy, then you can become popular and maybe even lead the industry one day!

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