The Importance of Adaptability in SEO

In the rapidly changing world of SEO, companies must be willing to pivot and change strategy on a dime, or risk becoming dated and irrelevant.

SEO is always changing. One of the biggest mistakes that companies make is not changing along with it. Before the internet, the pace of business was much slower. It was easier to keep from being left in the dust because not much changed from year to year. In the world of tech, things change almost daily, and yet many businesses aren’t able to see the changes. Instead, they remain stuck in the mental space that business isn’t changing, and that old tactics will remain useful and successful for years.

In the world of SEO, adaptability is essential. A company must always be checking and rechecking their strategy to make sure that they haven’t become irrelevant. They must look at what their competitors are doing, and what it is that their customers are asking. A customer’s search intent may change with any number of external factors, and a company must be prepared to change tactics in order to reach those new intents with meaningful content and a stellar SEO strategy. A company who creates an SEO strategy and isn’t willing to change it regularly is probably on the fast track to the grave. For example, a search about groceries that may have once been “nearest grocery store” is probably now more like “grocery delivery” or “contactless grocery pickup.”

If a company is dedicated to keeping up with the discipline of SEO, making constant and thoughtful changes to their strategy, and being willing to scrap what they currently have, they’ll be on the road to success.

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One Response

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    I thought this post was very practical, showing how SEO is not a set science and that it is constantly evolving. Being aware of that and knowing HOW to adapt is crucial to a beneficial business model. Similar to what we discussed in class, Grove City College’s website is a good example of a business that could have a better strategy when it comes to adapting their website to make it more user friendly and geared towards content that is relevant for the end user.

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