The Importance of SEO: Gaining Visibility Online

For every website that is exists online, the most important thing is to let everybody know that you exist. The point of a website is to gain customer insight, if that isn’t happening then you probably aren’t going to be making any progress at all. Having visibility online is what makes SEO so important, it makes your name/brand known to the public.

Importance/Benefits of SEO:

  • Low-cost
  • Delivers great ROI
  • Provides actionable data
  • Boosts credibility
  • Attracts relevant users

Important aspects of SEO:

  1. User Intent: Important for your users to know the reason why they are using your site. You want your site to be informational, transactional, and navigational.
  2. Keywords: To gain visibility online, the phrases and words that your users use will determine if you gain recognition or not. In simple terms, putting phrases or words in your content where people use the same thing in their search engines, then you will gain visibility.

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