Chat Gpt and it’s potential effects

Released in late 2022, chat gpt is, among many things, a chat bot. Users can communicate with it through requests and statements, and the bot can respond. Many misconceptions have arisen around it, ideas that it is a neural learning algorithm or some other form of more advanced ai. But chat gpt is something different. It is a new form of search engine. When asked a question or given a task, gpt trawls through the internet and compiles the most common information that relates to the question. To me, this raises interesting ideas for the future of SEO. In order for chat gpt to access your site, you need to allow it access. Not everyone will do this, whether because they don’t know to, or because they hold on to tradition. For those who are allowing their site to be seen by gpt, they are now competing in a much smaller pool of people. Especially for those brands and ideas that aren’t the biggest, but still known of or discussed, chat gpt can help give these sites and brands a new leg up in getting their name out there.

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3 Responses

  1. testacr22 says:

    I really like the idea of Chat GPT, but I think it is going to raise up some ethical and moral issues among its users. I feel like this is going to be a tool used by students to cheat and do things that are not their own work. Although the technology is revolutionary, I think its negatives outweigh its potential positive implications.

  2. nuzumrk22 says:

    I didn’t know any of this. Thanks for pointing out the misconceptions about ChatGPT. Interesting how a person can choose to hide their site from this AI and how that might harm small businesses and small sites because they aren’t able to be seen. This definitely cleared up some of my own confusion about this new form of search engine.

  3. krausda21 says:

    Chat GPT is something that really makes me nervous but i can see why there are some benefits for search. There is definitely some grey area that could be very malicious and maybe raise some ethical issues.

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