Intent and Content

As SEO develops, the emphasis on the user deepens. Intent and content are two of the most crucial parts of SEO. Intent refers to being able to understand what the searcher meant by the search. Content is all about supplying quality answers to that ask. SEO is getting to be more about the user than the search engine because search engines are developing to find what the user is captivated by more and more effectively. A user may search for something they cannot name, but the search engine’s job is still to find what they want, not what they wrote. Page building affects this significantly because the focus is no longer on packing a site with repeated emphasis on a specific keyword, so much as it is about offering original, creative, and helpful content to quench the user’s meant intent. SEO always should have been more about serving the person than tricking the system, but being able to see things through Google’s eyes is still the foot-in-the-door, at least for the time being.

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3 Responses

  1. krausda21 says:

    great Post! I really like how you used the content and intent and showed the importance of both of these words in SEO. That is similar to what we learn in class about creating content for the user in mind not for SEO.

  2. nuzumrk22 says:

    Good points! I found it really interesting when you said that the search engine’s job is to find what the user wants, not what they wrote. It was good that you pointed out the shift to extremely user-oriented content that Google and SEO is going through. Soon there will be a day where “out-smarting the system” will not work.

  3. says:

    This is a very helpful and informative post. SEO is very important to finding your customers needs so being very intentful in your writing is helpful.

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