Website Features for Rich Content

When searching, most people have little patience for a poorly designed and/or poorly optimized website. If your site isn’t immediately ‘up to par,’ users will likely go back to the SERP to find a site that better suits their needs and expectations. Therefore, sites must be immediately interesting and engaging to the user. Fortunately, there are some basic features to consider when designing your site.

One of the biggest attributes of a well-optimized site is easy, straightforward navigation. Users must be able to find what they are looking for on your site easily, especially compared to the competitors’ sites. Another key feature of a successful site is a ‘trendy’ and well-designed appearance. If your website is immediately nice to look at, users will be drawn in and more likely to engage with your content.

Another feature is well-written content that established credibility and authority. If your content is irrelevant or uninteresting, users will click out of your site because they don’t want to waste their time. A few basic content ideas include an ‘about’ and/or ‘purpose’ section to establish the brand’s credibility, product descriptions and images, and blogs to generate new content consistently. Additionally, including the company’s social media information somewhere within the site can help spread the word about the company and grow the brand.

Overall, interesting and relevant content is crucial for a successful site. Companies should deeply consider straightforward navigation, visually appealing styling, and well-written content when developing their sites. After all, interesting content is the backbone of effective SEO.

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2 Responses

  1. LinnikED20 says:

    This post was helpful to read, I learned a lot from it!

  2. krausda21 says:

    Thank you for this post I really enjoyed the content. I wish there was a picture or video or something is the only thing i would add to make it better.

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