Paid Search Marketing

Paid search marketing can also be synonymous for PPC (pay-per-click). Pay-per-click is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is usually associated with first-tier search engines.

The most important step in conducting good search engine advertising is to select which searches to target for ad exposure. Advertisers select when to show their ad based on (1) the search phrase entered by the searcher and (2) other characteristics of the search, such as the searcher’s location, a device used (mobile, tablet, or desktop), time of day, etc.

When it comes to keyword selections, there are three types of search phrases that have to do with search results. Exact match, which is the search phrase that matches an exact match keyword if the search is a close variant of the keyword. Broad match, which directs Google to show the ad to any search that ‘broadly’ matches that keyword. And Phrase match, which instructs Google to show ads on searches that include the keyword, close variants, or other terms with a similar meaning.

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3 Responses

  1. Mia Campagna says:

    Your post helped me better understand what PPC means. I think this method of advertising is extremely important to help locate your exact target user more definitely. The ways you listed that advertisers think about when deciding where to show their ad are also important.

  2. says:

    This is a great post! It’s interesting how the pay-per-click works. This post helps me understand the ins and outs of this SEO strategy. I completely agree that selecting the right keywords is a crucial step in conducting effective search engine advertising.

  3. says:

    This was a great post! Paid search marketing is something that I know little about. I completely agree that selecting the right searches to target for ad exposure is a crucial step in conducting effective search engine advertising.

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