Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more precise keywords users use when nearing the search result they want. For example, long-tail keywords are typically utilized when users are searching for a specific product they want to buy. Typically, these more specific keywords don’t have as much traffic as broad terms, but they can be much more valuable. Long-tail keywords are vital in businesses that are entering a market that has high competition. For smaller businesses, it can be near impossible to compete with bigger businesses in being the top organic result with broad keywords. However, with long-tail keywords smaller businesses can find a niche within keywords and become the top organic result in a more specific market. This is vital to smaller businesses and encourages creativity and innovation. The traffic pulled by long-tail keywords is going to be lower than general keywords, but the returns from long-tail keywords is far greater. The users these keywords will attract will be closer to knowing exactly what they want, and as a result they will be closer to the point-of purchase. Through long-tail keywords, a higher percentage of users will buy the end product. Long-tail keywords also have a much lower cost per click price since the keywords don’t have much competition. To craft these keywords, simply find an SEO tool to find popular keywords and then mix and match those keywords accordingly. This will create a more specific search while still keeping user relevance.

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3 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    I liked how this post mentioned that the traffic from long-tail keywords is not necessarily going to increase but the value behind the phrase/terms is strong. Plus, while it is difficult to compete with larger corporations in ranking high on the SERP, at least long-term keywords provide specific direction for a company’s end users.

  2. GAGERCR21 says:

    Great assessment! Long tail keywords are an interesting investment with a nice pay off if successful.

  3. nakhlacn17 says:

    Great post. It’s like the endless quantity vs. quality debate. There is value on both sides, but long-tail keywords hold more long-term value and you’re actually seeing people get help.

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