How Can I Protect My Website from Hackers?

Hackers may target your website to post malicious content, commandeer your traffic, install malware on users’ computers, or even hold your website for ransom. A good hacker can control a website with or without the administrator’s knowledge. Not only can hackers create significant damage to your site and harm your users, but they can ruin the optimization status of your website. If there is suspicious activity on your website, Google will suppress users’ access to it.

HACKEN recommends these 11 tips to avoid being hacked:

  1. Install SSL and security plugins (this encrypts information on your site)
  2. Have the latest security software in place (“This tip is of the greatest importance for website owners who use CMS such as WordPress that have a lot of plugins in their activities. Updates contain special security patches and features designed to address new threats and, thus, secure websites from hackers.”)
  3. Use a strong password
  4. Use https protocol (encrypted)
  5. Don’t follow commands contained in suspicious emails
  6. Control what data users upload to the website (“In case it’s necessary for users to upload some files, then you should specify which extensions and allowed and the maximum allowed size of the file. Also, don’t neglect to scan the uploaded files since they may contain malware. The uploaded files should be stored separately from the room folder so that even if they contain some form of malware, it would not damage the functioning of a website and the security of its data.”)
  7. Use website security tools (firewalls and security tests)
  8. Back up your website
  9. Choose reputable web hosting providers (who perform their own regular testing and improvements and will work with you if your site is breached)
  10. Use only required plugins (if a plugin is old, it may be less protected and able to be hacked)
  11. Pass regular security testing
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8 Responses

  1. krausda21 says:

    This is such a great post on many levels. I have a huge fear of hackers especially when it comes to credit cards and financial information. I will definitely take these tips into consideration when moving forward.

  2. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    It’s interesting how one of the first recommendations that people have for SEO is to install plugins for whatever they need. I like how you talked about more recommendations besides plugins to avoid getting hacked. The point about limiting what users can upload onto your website is especially important because you don’t know where attacks can come from. Good post!

  3. testacr22 says:

    Hackers are very prevalent on the internet today. They cause malice within your website and organization which can hurt your business greatly. Hackers use advanced and often illegal computer techniques to steal your information and use it against you. This is something that is hard to control but there are measures you can take which you have listed accurately. Great post!

  4. crowleymt21 says:

    You make some really fantastic points about ways to improve website security. Not only is it important for SEO purposes but it is important from a brand imaging standpoint, too. If a bunch of people are getting viruses on your website, that’s probably not going to be a good thing publicity-wise.

  5. nuzumrk22 says:

    This is an extremely helpful post and stuff like this should definitely be taught more in SEO. This is very scary for your business and for you, especially considering the fact that you (the administrator) might not even know what’s happening. In order to protect you, your business, and your reputation with users, this is important advice to take.

  6. GAGERCR21 says:

    Great advice! Online security is ever changing, and any brand or site worth their salt should stay abreast of new threats and developments.

  7. nakhlacn17 says:

    Hacking is so scary because someone can literally capture your Internet landscape. They can essentially pretend to be you and steal from others connected to you. I think we all kind of assume it won’t happen to us, especially those of us that aren’t as tech-y, but that’s not a mistake we can really afford to make.

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