SEO is Alive and Kicking

In the article, Seo is Alive and Kicking in 2023- and beyond, they go into depth about what SEO is currently and how necessary it is for the new digital age we are experiencing. This is pretty amazing considering the effects that Google and Microsoft are having on the realm of search, the studies show SEO is going nowhere. In order to back this claim up, they look at what SEO is and what is has evolved from over the years. SEO is no longer ensuring crawling, or indexing, but it is about content and social tasks.

It is surprising about how much SEO consists of social relations through the internet and connecting to other bloggers, journalists, searchers, and much more. Nowadays, SEO and social media go hand in hand, and they can feed off each other. For example, Twitter can help direct visibility to Google by the content it posts, Facebook posts are a lot more public than they used to be, and popular content on social media is likely to attract more search.

Along this point, no one will ever search for something if they do not know if it exists. Social media is a great way to discover these new products or services, but search is the final step for this process. This has really been prevalent since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic where there has been a lot more search and use. This is shown through the picture below.

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2 Responses

  1. vangrouwoc19 says:

    That’s an interesting article! I appreciate your summary of it, and the inclusion of the graph is great! Thanks for sharing.

  2. MiaCamp says:

    The link between SEO and social media is very interesting! I like how you summed it up and used examples, and also the graph was very informational.

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