Creating a Customer Journey Map

A customer Journey map is a visual representation on how users navigate through your website, this can also be called a conversion funnel. This is helpful because this will determine the kind of experience a user has on your website. You want to be able to understand why people interact with your website from when they first hear of it (example: social media) to purchase. Therefore, the goal of a customer journey map is to answer the question of why they are choosing my brand or why aren’t they; to gain a deeper insight to your customer and improve your strategy. A point to consider is that when creating a map, the customers journey will not look so linear instead they will do a lot of backtracking, skip steps, or switch channels mid journey. This makes creating a map challenging but this can’t be ignored.

When structuring your journey map, it’s important to note that every website will be different depending on industry and overall aim, however they should all have the same four information points: 1. Information about the buying process – Your customer journey map should clearly outline significant milestones on the journey from lead to satisfied customer. 2. Customer actions – This means detailing how customers are reacting at each stage of the buying process. This could mean reading reviews, request a free trial, or speaking with someone. The point of including this is to explore the various ways a customer could interact with you. 3. Pain Points – Ask the question, what emotions is your target feeling at each stage of the purchasing process? Once you have identified emotions make sure to address them with solutions. 4. Solutions – Tying in with the previous point, the final element of your map is to include potential solutions to eliminate logjams, negative emotions, and pain points, while expediting the buying process.

There are 5 things to consider when creating customer journey maps. 1. Set your objectives – before deciding what kind of journey map you want you must first discover what goals you have in mind for your map. 2. Creating customer personas – This is very similar to target market research so you would want to consider things like, demographic, age, salary range, etc. 3. Draft typical paths – make a list of everything that a customer can potentially interact with and the ideal map on how they would discover the information. 4. Allocate resources – now that you have your drafts picked out make sure you have the content in order to fill those aspects on your map. 5. Measure and refine – this include gaining information on how and why your customer navigated through your content. After gaining information you should refine your map.

Frederick, B. (2023, March 6). How to create a customer journey map. Search Engine Journal. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from

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