SEO and Rebranding

If a company wants to rebrand, they should be careful in order to not lose their search engine rankings. First, the company needs to make sure that the new name they pick follows the Trademark Law. This is a crucial part of rebranding because you want to protect your domain from potential litigation threats. Next, the company needs to decide on a new logo. A new logo will help with brand identity and distinguish your brand from other competitors. Sticking to what is necessary helps your audience recognize there is not much change going on and keep your customers engaged with your content.

Cloning your website for domain migration is another step in rebranding. Create a backup website to act as a “safety net” in case of lost data or crashes. Then, slowly take your content and move it from your first website to your new rebranded website.

Lastly, make sure to share with everyone that your company has rebranded. Advertise it on your social media platforms. Watch Google Analytics and rankings on Google Search Console for feedback for your business. Rebranding can be a useful tool. Following these few steps will make it easier for your company and will also create a smooth transition for your customers.

Article: How to Rebrand While Maintaining Rankings on Search Engines | Entrepreneur

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5 Responses

  1. crowleymt21 says:

    I’m finding a lot of posts here that talk about things I never even thought of. It makes sense that if a businesses were to rebrand, they would need to be careful not to lose the SEO rankings they worked so hard to get. You give a very nice description of how a business can successfully do this to minimize the damage caused to their SEO by the rebrand. Getting the word out about rebranding and something “new” in the air definitely makes sense, as it would be a way to drive traffic to your newly created site.

  2. nuzumrk22 says:

    This post is a great guide for a company who’s website and brand needs some re-envisioning. The advice that you gave about cloning your website in order to not lose any data or anything that the search engine may deem important was particularly helpful. This seems like a scary process nevertheless, especially if you’ve already done a lot of SEO work on your previous website.

  3. mapesam20 says:

    I had never thought about what might happen with a company’s SEO when they choose to rebrand. I also wonder how much thought goes into SEO when companies begin implementing just-noticeable-differences, and if that makes maintaining a high ranking on Google more or less difficult than completely rebranding.

  4. Ruthie Cooley says:

    This is a very interesting idea and problem that I have not thought much about. Having a back-up website seems like a great approach in case things go off-kilter in the moving process. Search engine rankings are like living things – massive, instant changes will upset them.

  5. GAGERCR21 says:

    Interesting, I hadn’t considered this perspective before.

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