SEO Content Tips

How to reach an audience is one thing. How to connect to an audience is another. The simplest things are sometimes the most overlooked about what makes content stand out or be swept down stream. Making sure your content differentiates itself from the competition is where you set yourself apart from your competitors. Here are a few tips to try and curate content that aims to be different from the competitors.

  1. Write for your readers first. Meaning give them information that they need/want to see and make it easy for them to obtain it. Understand what the reader on the screen is looking for. Put yourself in there shoes. Make it easy for the reader to navigate and understand your content.
  2. Write direct to the point subheadings. Put the main points first, this helps Google pick up and them and possibly apply them in that “featured snippets” tool. What this does is it shows visitors if your content answers their questions. It shows readers at a glance if what they are searching actually can be found within your content page.
  3. Add alt text to images. Make sure that you include alt text that explains what the image is. This helps google pick up the images. It improves the chances of google ranking it higher than just simply having an image without alt text behind it. It also adds a wider range for readers to find it, basically making it more accessible for them.

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4 Responses

  1. MiaCamp says:

    I think it is very important that you mentioned you should write for the reader first. A lot of times, like Prof. Sweet mentioned in class, people/business owners tend to write about themselves, and miss what content the reader wants to read.

  2. botkintj19 says:

    These are great tips for content. I like the idea of writing the content to be very personal, but it also matters what your users expect to see. If it’s a more academic audience you will want to have more writing in your content, but if it’s a younger crowd short videos and pictures would work better.

  3. hallerer20 says:

    It definitely seems like creating good, valuable content that an audience can actually connect with is a struggle. These three tips are great for doing that! Especially putting yourself in the shoes of your audience and thinking about what they want to read about rather than what you as the creator want to write about.

  4. says:

    These are great tips for content. Good content will impress your customers to purchase more and connect with them on a greater level. Very good post!

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