SEO For Small Business

Small business owners always run into battles with large corporations, however with the internet it helps to even the playing field if used wisely. This article exemplifies all that is needed to have a great result on Google and increase your clicks as well as not have to pay for ads. The article teaches about black hat vs. white hat SEO. On-page, off-page, local, technical, and eCommerce SEO. Exactly how to start SEO for your small business by using informative and punctual statistics.

Also explains how important it is for E-commerce businesses to get on Amazon and various different platforms to sell their products.

The article also gives three great tips to small business SEO:

  1. Replace Expensive Paid Ads

2. Increase the Number of New Leads

3. Boost website visits coming from search engines.

This article shows what Google looks for when considering what search results to show first.

  • Meaning of your query
  • Relevance of webpages
  • Quality of content
  • Usability of webpages
  • Context and settings

Small Business SEO Guide for Smart Business Owners [2023] (

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3 Responses

  1. Emma Rossi says:

    This is a useful application of SEO for a smaller target audience. Including the list of what Google looks for is especially helpful.

  2. talkorf19 says:

    Small business owners suffer the most because they are normally older people and are not up to date with creating content, let alone good content for there consumers. I liked how you emphasized the points with e-commerce and how Amazan has literally made billions doing this. Something small business need to seriously consider looking into.

  3. douglassej22 says:

    It is a good idea for small businesses to use e-commerce. Amazon and other platforms are a great way to increase traffic flow for a small business. They might even boost the small business in rankings and number of website visits. Having a small business go into any possible platform can increase the number of customers who purchase their products.

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