SEO Tips For Small Businesses

It is especially important for small businesses to use SEO practices to help their business grow and thrive. Utilizing the following tips will take your small business to the next level.

One tip for a small business owner is to create a Google AdWords account. With this, you are able to search the best keywords for your business, get ideas for new keywords, and much more. Another tip is to build links into your site. For example, if you have a blog about the best type of digital cameras, adding links to a helpful YouTube video from a creator could help your rankings go up. Adding someone’s link to your site in return for them to do the same could really benefit both businesses. Another extremely important tip – utilize social media. Depending on your business, certain social platforms will be more beneficial than others. No matter what, you should at least be active on one platform so that your potential customers can get in touch and see new content easily. It is also very important to measure your SEO results frequently. Sites such as,,, and Google Analytics are all good sources to provide you with SEO performance results, and give you tips on how to improve your SEO efforts.

The tips mentioned along with many others will really help differentiate your small business from others who are not optimizing their sites, or not using social media and staying connected with their potential customers.


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2 Responses

  1. testacr22 says:

    I agree that utilizing SEO practices is crucial for small businesses to improve their online presence and attract more customers. The tips you mentioned are great starting points for small business owners who may be new to SEO. Google offers a lot of great tools to expand your SEO presence. I think it is really cool that Google is willing to help the people that are going to be appearing on its own search engine.

  2. nuzumrk22 says:

    SEO to a small business owner must seem scary. How on earth will my small business rank on the world’s biggest search engine? Especially in this digital age, where everyone is online equally as much as they are in stores. These are good tips to help calm those fears. I would agree that social media is critical for small businesses. It helps them link to local people and other small businesses that can support them.

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