Catching the audience’s attention and the importance of long form content

With the rise of platforms like tiktok and the integration of short-form content into other platforms, one might be tempted to think that the new way to grab a consumer’s eye is to keep things punchy and quick. But what brands are finding is that the opposite is true. What retains customers’ attention is long-form, segmented content that a consumer can really sink their teeth into. Length alone is not the golden factor, the content has to be split up into chapters that consumers can pick up or put down in a way that fits into their schedule. This does add another challenge to brand managers, as the content has to stay interesting throughout, or else the potential customer will move on. In addition, h2 and h3 tags should be used as headers for each subsection to help better direct traffic towards the content. On sites such as youtube, even video content can make use of this with new segmenting features that can direct users to the specific part of the video that covers what they want to know. An advantage of relying on longer content is the semantic relationship with other ideas or tangents that a consumer might see as they read past their initial question. This trend points towards a quality over quantity approach that is in congruence with white hat seo philosophy overall.

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2 Responses

  1. kuechlycj22 says:

    The rise of platforms like TikTok and short-form content has led some to believe that punchy and quick content is the new way to capture a consumer’s attention. However, brands are discovering that long-form, segmented content is what really retains customers’ attention. The challenge for brand managers is to keep the content interesting throughout while allowing consumers to pick up or put down content according to their schedule. The use of H2 and H3 tags can help direct traffic to specific subsections of the content. Longer content can also offer semantic relationships with other ideas or tangents, pointing towards a quality over quantity approach in congruence with white hat SEO philosophy.

  2. FrenchJA21 says:

    It makes sense to use the “h” tags to organically create chapters for the user to follow through. I agree that it is easy to make the quick assumption people want short-form content. But simple and longer also goes a long way as well.

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