Helping People

SEO and marketing are very similar in mission. As a marketing major, I went through a very specific process in selecting my major. I knew I wanted to have a business degree because I wanted the business core education. I also wanted to feel confident in business knowledge in preparation for stepping into a world overflowing with and operated by businesses. As a lost-feeling freshman, my perspective on college education completely shifted when I realized that my degree did not have to be a perfect reflection of my soul. I just wanted to help people. I am happy when I feel like I am helping people, so I set out to find a way to do that however simple it may sound. Besides the spectacular professors in the department, marketing caught my eye because businesses first and foremost must be known and known as good. Humans are subjects to their perceptions. People only know what they have come across and learned. Both marketing and SEO are about teaching people. They both provide answers to the question, “What is available to me?” People have to know what is around in order to support a brand or an idea, but contact has to happen first. That is a thick thread between my major and the practice of SEO. They are both methods to help people help people.

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2 Responses

  1. jonesew22 says:

    We think so similarly thank you for this! I am undeclared actually but I have been able to take a Marketing class this semester and am now looking into it in some way, shape, or form. I feel the same about helping people and so this post alone helps me a lot as far as helping to consider options for my future! Thank you and I agree 100%!

  2. welkersg21 says:

    This is such a unique perspective on SEO and marketing. I have never heard someone explain it this way. Thanks for your insight and thoughts!

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