Knowing Your Audience Is Critical

Another post I wrote was focused around keywords. Here’s the thing about keywords: keywords are no good if you don’t know your audience. SEO is in many ways like a web – everything is connected.

The issue becomes that you cannot optimize anything unless you know who you are optimizing it for. And therein lies the importance of knowing your audience.

What does your audience search for? What search engines do they use? How old are they, typically? How adept at searching are they? What are they looking for? Why are they looking for it? What is/are their need(s) and why are they not being met? That last question is quite crucial.

In many ways, that last question is the keystone of SEO. If you don’t know what your audience’s needs are, you likely will not successfully reach them. Sure, you might reach some people, but without knowing much about who they are, you won’t be able to build on what is working and abandon what is not working.

In essence, knowing your audience can make or break SEO. The right keywords and all don’t matter much if you don’t know who you are trying to reach.

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One Response

  1. says:

    Knowing the needs and drive behind your customers is very important. Everyone is searching for specific things and being able to know exactly how to meet those needs are very important.

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