SEO as Entrepreneurial

Search engine optimization is all about how to create a website that search engines will rank highly. It is especially important to generate a competitive ranking for the keywords from searchers with demand for that specific content. Entrepreneurship is all about foresight. So how exactly are the two related?

Well, while entrepreneurship is all about foresight, that foresight hinges on the apprehension of opportunity. The world of entrepreneurship is full of trailblazers and start-ups looking to fill needs. Every organization had to get started somewhere and in our digital age one cannot get far without tapping into the network of search engines that loom over all modern communication. Search engines are sowing grounds for entrepreneurs to study demand for the following reasons. First, because of their digital nature, search engines provide a platform that can be tracked and recorded with mathematical precision. Secondly, they are flexible. Search engines provide the opportunity for speedy trial and error results which are only an asset to aspiring entrepreneurs. A successful entrepreneur knows when and how best to pivot. Search engines are a great tool to test those ideas. Also, search engines provide wide-reaching potential making it a platform full of opportunity. This does not only go for business innovation, but also for ideas in general, making it a welcoming environment for the entrepreneurial spirit.

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2 Responses

  1. jonesew22 says:

    I love the comparison, good work! Makes a lot of sense and I love how things like this come together so that is awesome.

  2. welkersg21 says:

    I love the connection that you made between SEO and entrepreneurship! Your statement “entrepreneurship is all about foresight, that foresight hinges on the apprehension of opportunity” especially stood out to me. Thanks for this comparison and for showing how these two things can work together so well!

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