Using Twitter for brand SEO

Using Twitter for a brand is a great way to connect with customers on a more personal basis. Google creates a carousel for the Twitter account. Which lets the brand control what recent posts come up for the searcher. Putting up a new product or talking about something trending in your given industry. Can help to grab the attention of searchers. In addition to being trendy, ensure what is shared is extremely relevant content for the audience. Keep in mind their everyday challenges and main responsibilities. Then ask yourself, “What would my audience want to learn more about? Why do they enjoy our products or services?” And highlight those aspects in a carousel. Interacting with other influencers and leaders that align with what is being sold can also help gain attention and authority for the brand. Twitter is also a great platform to highlight the brand’s mission and message to the customers. Google also likes to see a lot of engagement and followers before recommending you. The account’s bio is the consumer’s first glimpse of the account so having a catchy and concise one can help greatly. It is a great place to put keywords and hashtags.

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One Response

  1. says:

    Utilizing social media can be very helpful to SEO. It allows you to reach your customers faster and direct them to your site. I like this post and how informative it is. It gives me a lot to think about.

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