Writing Content for SEO

The key piece in writing content for SEO is considering the end user. However, this is a broad and often complicated goal. In order to break this down further, Widmer notes that three critical components of writing content for SEO are (1) knowing the search intent behind keywords, (2) developing the best possible answer, and (3) presenting an answer that can easily be read and understood. By using these steps to help maintain a focus on the end user you can easily write content for SEO.

As mentioned both in this article and throughout class, knowing what the user actually means when they type in a word or phrase is key to SEO success. This will help your content appear to the relevant users. This can be done by simply typing your target keyword into Google on noting what the top results are. Furthermore, Widmer recommends observing any featured snippets at this stage. By optimizing for keywords that contain featured snippets, you are able to bypass your competition and rank higher quicker.

Additionally, it is important to develop the best possible answer to your target users search query. This will help to prove your expertise in the field and is something that will be recognized by both user and search engines. The best possible answer doesn’t need to be earth shattering, it just needs to be relevant and well supported. As Sweet discussed in class, it is also advantageous to use a combination of words and images on your page. This may include diagrams, interactive elements such as polls or quizzes, images, or videos. It is best if this content is original. By creating content that answers your target users search query in a descriptive and entertaining way, you will position your page for a favorable rank on the SERP.

Finally, it is crucial to present your best possible answer in a way that can easily be read and understood. In order to ensure that this is the case, Widmer advises that you write an outline followed by a draft to be reviewed and revised. This process helps you to lay out your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. After this step is complete, you can write out a properly formatted, easy to understand article that answers your users search in the best possible way and ranks well on Google.

When writing content for SEO, it is crucial to (1) know the search intent behind keywords, (2) develop the best possible answer, and (3) present an answer that can easily be read and understood. By taking these steps and focusing on the end user, you are able to create a better experience for the end user and create a site that is viewed favorably by search engines.  


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One Response

  1. GAGERCR21 says:

    Great summation! This is a good primer to understanding the basics of content creation.

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