
In search engine optimization, empathy is a crucial and important aspect. When finding keywords, starting a website, or brainstorming, you always need to have empathy. By asking yourself and your team, “what does my target market want?” or “what are they searching for?” you are then able to find more accurate information instead of basing it on what you personally think or want. Putting yourself in their shows it what will make your search engine optimization experience as well as their experience that much better than otherwise. But you can not just stop at asking yourself those questions. You then need to go and confirm your thoughts. You can do this by asking actual people. In your target market of course. By getting real answers from real people you can better be able to adapt and concrete your information. Confirming thoughts. If from asking others you find out that you have actually been wrong the whole time and what you thought they want wasn’t the right thing, then you can go back to the drawing board and restart the process. Especially after gaining important information. Side tip; you should definitely consider if and when you interview people, try to not do anyone you personally know. Often interviews can easily be screwed when the person interviewing them is their friend in really life.

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3 Responses

  1. McGuirejs20 says:

    This is really important because many creators center their content on the product instead of focusing on the consumer who is the one actually buying.

  2. FrenchJA21 says:

    Empathy is definitely important to SEO. We are creating websites for others, not ourselves. So when designing them, we have to remember to detach our own ideas. And consider what content would be best for the target audience.

  3. guidajt22 says:

    I agree having the end user in mind is crucial to the creation of a great user friendly website. Having the user in mind or even playing around as the user will help to make your website great. Creating content with what the users are looking for will be key to gaining more searches on Google using empathy.

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