Creating Content For SEO

When creating content both the searcher and the search engine must be considered. Seo Content is content designed to rank in Search engines.  As discussed in class the best way to do this is to target the true intent of the user’s search.

In most cases when content does not fails to target the searcher’s intent it is excluded from the SERP.

So How does one create content optimized for search engines?

According to optimizing content to be ranked in Search engines is about giving searchers what they want and making it sticky.

1. Choosing a proven topic

A proven topic is something with traffic, business, and ranking potential.  This can be identified through keyword research.

2. Analyzing Search intent

Keywords themselves reveal some element of keyword.  A more in depth look at the spectrum of intent can expose longtail keyword phrase to rank for.

It can be useful to reference the top-ranking pages to get an understanding of keyword intent. When browsing the top-ranking pages consider the content type, content format, and content angle.

3.Yor Money or Your Life topics

Google reviews websites for and ranks them depending on their level of expertise. Google takes this particularly serious for topics that relate to a person’s health, and happiness. Google categorizes these topics Your Money or Your life (YMYL).

Consider if your topic falls within one of these groups and if so make sure you are professional and accurate with your information.

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One Response

  1. kocurwj20 says:

    This is a solid framework to follow when making content because it covers crucial topics of SEO. It makes sense to consider the searcher and search engine because those two things interact with your site the most. It’s interesting that Google actually ranks sites based on level of expertise and I wonder how they measure this.

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