What is E.A.T. and Y.M.Y.L?

EAT Stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

YMYL stands for Your money or Your Life.

Google references both of these concepts in their Search Quality Rater Guidelines to evaluate the effectiveness of search results.

E_A_T refers to Google’s judging of a page’s credibility. Google uses quality raters who are real people that determine how well a search results page is meeting the user’s needs.

E_A_T does not directly affect google ranking factors, but it does help Google make improvements to their algorithm over time.


Search quality raters review the Creator of the content for merit and qualifications. Quality raters also review the content for “everday expertise” soemone who may not have credentials but is still a thought leader on the topic.


Your overall reputation in your industry. Linkability, and inbound links.


Quality raters again review the creator of the main content and the content itself to gauge trustworthiness. They look for things like how clearly the author is made known, is content hidden behind ads, and factual accuracy.

What is YMYL? Your Money or Your Life

YMYL topics are those that could impact a reader’s health, financial stability, safety, or well-being.

Misinformation is more important on YMYL sites because it could cause harm the reader so E.A.T. is more strongly considered.

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