4 Main Search Types

What goes through a user’s mind when they make a search? There are four main types of search intents that define the purpose of a user’s search and make it easier for you to target your content towards their searches.

  1. Informational:

An informational search is made when a user has a problem that can be solved by the answering of a simple question. Well-written content and clearly titled videos and blog posts will attract a user making an informational search.

2. Navigational:

A navigational search is made when a user is looking for a specific page or website. The key in this case is to create content within your field that will cover a wide range of topics and aid a user in their navigational search.

3. Transactional:

A transactional search is made when a user makes a search with the intention of buying something. In the case of a transactional search, you should prioritize marketing your products with clear descriptions and calls-to-action.

4. Commercial:

A commercial search is made when a user is researching something they want to purchase. When this search is made, it is essential that your content is informative and leads users to make a purchase from your site, ideally.

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3 Responses

  1. hoviscc22 says:

    This post did a good job of categorizing the different kind of searches users make. It’s important in SEO to consider and understand the different kinds of searches so you can better understand what kind of search users will perform to find your content. Overall, a solid blog that names different kinds of searches.

  2. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    This is a good way of organizing searches so that companies can figure out the true user intent behind each search query. Knowing what types of searches your audience is making can help you curate your content to different people and have a bigger variety of content too. Good post!

  3. welkersg21 says:

    This post does a good job of showing the reasons why people search. This information is important to us while we create our website because it can help you better pick keywords so that customers can find your content easier. Thanks for this post, it was very insightful!

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