It Might Be Time To Declutter Your Website

After a company takes off, they might have to clean up their website and delete unnecessary information. The first step to a website cleanup is to declutter your website structure. An organized website will help search engines bring your website to the top of the search results. The menu of the website and first page needs to be minimal and give your viewers what they want to see. Only have images and text that is necessary for business and for customers. Make sure to also look over and categorize blog posts and production pages. This can keep your website clean, manageable, and simpler for customers to navigate. The second step is to fix the broken links on the website. The more content on a website, the more 404 error links that can appear. Broken links can be made from confusion within links on the website, deleted content after website links were made, and restricted page access to links. Deleting them can increase search ranking and performance. The next step in cleanup is to reduce image size to reduce page load speeds. Faster page speeds can result in more viewer clicks and engagement with customers. Make sure to also update alt text for images to add more keywords into each page. Alt text can create better SEO and increase growth in search queries.

Article for more information: How To Improve Your SEO Content | Entrepreneur

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3 Responses

  1. testacr22 says:

    I agree with the points you’ve made about cleaning up a website after a company takes off. A clean and organized website structure is important for search engines and customers. Decluttering a business’ website structure and minimizing first page content would definitely make it much easier for customers to navigate and find the information they need. Website cleanup seems so be something that is pretty simple and is a great way to boost your site.

  2. coughlinjd20 says:

    I think the points made in this post are extremely relevant to creating a website that showcases what your business is. There is no need for graphics or images that just serve as a space filler. As a result, useless content ends up being a distraction to your company’s core competencies.

  3. guidajt22 says:

    Great takeaways from this post, from learning how to shrink images to decluttering having an effective and fast website is a key to becoming a fan favorite of Google’s. Google does look heavily favorably upon websites that go the extra mile for website optimization.

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