Should I be Using AI to Design My Website?

The next big wave of technology is upon us. Artificial intelligence is as accessible and consumer-friendly as ever – especially with Chat GPT and Bing’s new AI-powered search tool. If website designers aren’t utilizing AI, will they be able to keep up with their competitors who are?

There is not unanimity of opinion regarding whether designers should incorporate AI in building websites. Artificial intelligence has the power to create websites – everything from cultivating a template to generating site content. You can use an AI Website Builder (like Wix ADI,, Zyro, etc.) to do this for you. An article from Desircle Design strongly advocates using AI platforms to create your website, and references studies that indicate AI-generated content was indistinguishable from content written by humans.

But on, the author warns against using machine-generated content, even though it may be cheaper and faster to produce: “Lazy SEOs that rely on AI content too much are likely to get into the trap of Google’s helpful content update, which is aimed to downrank low-quality and spammy content.” Lukasz Zelezny from SEO London said, “…AI gives the ability to generate a huge amount of unique yet low-quality content, […which] is nothing but ‘grammatically correct fluff.'”

If you are starting a website from scratch, it isn’t a bad idea to use an AI-powered website builder. But if you want a high-quality and successfully-optimized site, don’t take the generated website and run with it. Spend the time to analyze whether the content, crawlability, and usability of your site will be helpful to users. Does the layout make sense for your users’ needs? Is the text content understandable, valuable, and relevant to the mission of your site? Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool in website design. But for all of its advanced capabilities, it can’t replace humans in SEO completely.

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One Response

  1. testacr22 says:

    The rise of AI is upon us and it is super accessible to everyone. I think it could be a great tool when you are building a website. Not only is it easier than having a human build the site, it would also be cheaper. This cheaper content would have its downfalls. I liked your point about AI generated content being spammy and low-quality. From my experiences working with AI generators, the content is not great. It is very informational, but it would not really work on a webpage. Great post!

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