Top 10 Career Paths in SEO

SEO is quickly becoming a need for almost every business. Online businesses especially want recognition for their business and the best way to improve your visibility on the internet is improving your SEO. With SEO on the rise, so is the salaries that come with the jobs.

10 Jobs and annual salaries for those with SEO work.

  1. SEO Specialist- $53,799- works on a company’s website, improves areas of weakness, blog posts, social media etc.
  2. Copywriter-$55,643- Creates written content for a business.
  3. Social Media Manager-$57,031- Handles all social media and raises brand awareness and traffic to company site.
  4. 4 Digital Marketer-$60,395- Specializes in company online advertising and marketing incentives.
  5. Account manager-$62,803- Serves the company as a point of contact between clients and the staff. Manages accounts.
  6. Marketing Consultant-$64,257-Guides a company’s marketing department to raise performance and customer’s experience.
  7. Marketing Manager-$69,105-Oversees a company’s marketing operations and needs, creates goals for marketing campaigns.
  8. SEO Manager-$70,673-Oversees a team of SEO Professionals guiding them to keep work strategy on task.
  9. Web Developer-$82,103- Creates websites for companies.
  10. Entrepreneur-93,803- Starts new businesses, creates content for website.

10 SEO Careers: Paths and Requirements (With Salary Info) |

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3 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    I liked this post’s content a lot. I think it’s very helpful for students to see practical job opportunities in the industry. It draws connections between class material and real-world application to those principles.

  2. rossiel21 says:

    This is a very informative post. It’s especially helpful that you included the average salary of the positions.

  3. talkorf19 says:

    Very cool how SEO quite literally has its own jon options now and that is what someone can spend their life and job doing. also great idea to include the descriptions along with the title and salary

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