Where have we seen Newsjacking and not even noticed it?

Newsjacking is all around us but we miss it sometimes entirely. It is constantly throughout or TV programming and rampant all over social media and commercials. It has even seeped its way into the sporting world.

One of the coolest things that has ever happened was when Covid-19 took the NBA down and fans were not allowed to show up. So who swooped in to try and tried to capitalize on it? Microsoft. More importantly Microsoft Teams. There feature called “Together Mode” pulls participants together on digital screens and virtual reality and puts them together. The NBA partnered with them to make it seem like the NBA still had fans, which was honestly very cool to watch at times. Both the NBA and Microsoft teams benefitted from this partnership also.


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One Response

  1. stewarttk20 says:

    mentioning covid was an awesome example and really good. i personally had never heard of newsjacking so mentioning it was really intriguing

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