SEO and Social Media

SEO and social media are two very important tools in growing a website. These two factors are only increasing in importance so it is critical to understand how they work together. While social media does not directly contribute to SEO ranking, it is still important in brand exposure.

There are several social media platforms that are particularly helpful in SEO. The first is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the center of content marketing with 94% of B2B marketers. Using LinkedIn for SEO is ideal; it will help you get found on search results.

Another important social media platform to be on for SEO is Facebook. Facebook is the third most popular site only behind Google and YouTube. Facebook has made it easy for people to share content . It is very simple to share a blog link and posts. The most helpful feature that Facebook provides is the ability for Google to crawl and index links on Facebook.

The third social media platform that helps with SEO is Twitter. The more your content is shared in Twitter, it is more likely to help you websites ranking on SERP’s. Hashtags are especially important on Twitter because they help people find you tweets quickly, which will help build brand recognition and help increase traffic to you profile and website. It is important to tweet your links often but not to frequently so that it is spammy. Tweeting your links will help gain users and increase traffic to your blog or website.

Finally, a social media platform that you should consider to use to increase SEO is Pinterest. Pinterest is ideal for SEO. Even though Pinterest is technically a social media platform, it is also a search engine website. Users conduct over 2 billion searches per month on Pinterest. Optimizing you profile and Pins will help you increase traffic to you site.

SEO and Social Media are two very different tools in gaining traffic on your website but they are both critically important to the success of it.

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One Response

  1. nuzumrk22 says:

    These are some good tips! I did not know that Facebook is the third most popular site. I thought it was quickly losing prevalence in the modern world (with Instagram, TikTok, etc. being so popular). But I see that I was wrong. And I really didn’t know that we should be paying more attention to Pinterest. I’ve never looked at Pinterest as a search engine before. Thanks for bringing that up.

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