Local SEO

I choose this type of SEO because the website I am creating for my project is centered around local searches because it is a landscaping website. The reason you want good SEO for local is that the person searching is going to pick the top three or four websites and people won’t bother going lower. Local SEO is a way of optimizing your site to get a higher ranking for a specific location. 78% of searches in a week google for local small businesses like for example googling to find a good restaurant nearby.

 In order to create a site focused on a specific location, there are many different factors to consider. First, businesses can use tools like Google My Business, which is a free service that allows them to manage their online presence. The Google Local Pack and Google Maps are prime locations for local search results, which are accessed by claiming and verifying your Google My Business listing. Using local keywords is another key tool. Locally relevant keywords can help businesses rank higher in local search results if they use them in website content, meta descriptions, and other on-page SEO elements.

A good way to ensure that your local SEO is working is by putting your location on your site so when people are good for instance Crafton which is where my website would want to come up it will come up anytime people search for landscaping in Crafton. The one thing you want to stay away from which many local SEO sites do is keyword stuffing local keywords because this will have a negative effect on your ranking in google. Including a NAP (name, address, location) is crucial for the success of your website.

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2 Responses

  1. botkintj19 says:

    These are really good tips in local searches. I didn’t realize there was so many things you could do to optimize your site. I’m glad I read this because my website is based in local searches as well.

  2. guidajt22 says:

    I always wondered how you show up in local searches especially for restaurants and local stores. Google My Business seems like an excellent tool for businesses to find out more information about how their site is doing.

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