How to Harness the Power of AI While Creating Original Content

There is no question that AI is changing the way search engine optimization operates. As a website designer, you may feel pressure to incorporate AI into your SEO strategy before you get left behind by the new technological revolution. It may seem like the only way to keep up with your competitors is to let AI become the author and designer of your content. But what if you are wary of handing off your project to AI or unwilling to risk Google penalizing for machine-generated content? Here are some ways that you can harness AI while creating completely original content.

Neil Patel, founder of NP Digital, is a strong advocate for AI in the SEO process. There are some valuable tips and tools in leveraging AI in his article, “How to Use AI SEO to Improve Your Website.” But first, he asserts that, while the goal of AI is “to perform [often laborious and mundane] cognitive tasks better and faster than humans…” AI will not be able to completely replace humans in performing SEO. Shrewd usage of AI can help a website designer optimize according to what search engines deem valuable. “One thing to keep in mind about search engines,” he writes, “is they always put the user first. They aim to deliver content that’s as relevant as possible. Because of this, SEO is not just about keywords anymore. It’s about:

  • Concepts: What is the idea behind the searcher’s query?
  • Context: What is the intent behind the searcher’s query?
  • Customer Satisfaction: What are the most relevant answers to the user’s query?”

Patel suggests using AI tools like “BrightEdge” to indicate which keywords your should be targeting and link building opportunities. He suggests using AI to discover topic clusters related to your business, the ideal length for a blog post based on its topic, and how to change the readability of your content based on the audience you are trying to reach. Some AI tools, like “Market Brew” can even simulate the activity of a search engine to report how well your website performs in the eyes of Google.

If you are not interested in allowing AI tools like ChatGPT to write content for you, you can instead use it to generate ideas for content that you will write yourself. For example, a bakery owner may wish to maintain a blog on his website. He can ask AI software to generate a list of potential blog topics related to a bakery, like: “The Secret to Making Shortbread Keep its Form in the Oven”; “Tastiest Comfort Desserts That You Can Make at Home”; or even, “The Value in Supporting Local Businesses.”

AI is a very powerful tool to leverage in SEO, and it does not have to replace human-written content and optimization strategies to be effective. AI is valuable in indicating new opportunities for content and connections to improve the quality of a website.

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2 Responses

  1. fiscuseg21 says:

    Very interesting post! The power of AI is definitely something to consider when creating content. Allowing AI platforms such as ChatGPT to fully write your content for you can certainly have ethical implications that should be considered. However, the idea of using AI to generate content topics is an interesting idea that I think more and more companies will begin using.

  2. talkorf19 says:

    Very cool post. AI truly is taking over alot and learning how to utilize it is a major resource if you know how to work. Thank you for the tips on how to make it impact your SEO ranking and your website directly.

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