Link Earning for SEO

Through the process of link earning, companies leverage authoritative websites into linking to their site. Being mentioned on a well-known and frequently-visited site can greatly increase search traffic to an otherwise ‘small’ site. Link earning is a safe, recommended SEO practice because it is not ‘black-hat’ in nature. However, link earning can sometimes feel frustrating because you are relying on other large sites to find and link to yours. Therefore, it can be unpredictable as to when and if anyone will link to you. However, there are several tips that can help you earn links from reliable sites.

The main tip for building links is creating interesting content that is ‘worthy’ of linking to. Your content should be unique and interesting enough that sites will ‘naturally’ want to link to you when they see your site. When creating content, it is important to focus on the quality of the content you are producing rather than the quantity of content. It is better to have a limited amount of truly interesting and unique content than an abundance of rushed content. Originality in your content is crucial; you want large sites to view your content and be so impressed by its quality and originality that they decide to link to it. You should also consider publishing a variety of content types to keep your audience engaged. This could include articles, videos, images, polls, blog posts, podcasts, and more.

You can also work with influencers and with bloggers on larger sites to create partnered content. This will make your content more visible to new sectors of people. Another tip is to routinely leave reviews and comments on sites that you are wanting to link to you. By interacting with large sites in this way, you can help them to notice your site, view your content, and ideally link to you. When looking for sites to link to you, another tip is to keep an eye out for reliable local sites. These sites can still help you generate a lot of traffic, but they are much easier to connect with than large global companies.

Overall, link earning is a crucial SEO practice for growing your company’s website traffic. Original, interesting content is at the heart of link earning and should always be carefully created for your site.

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One Response

  1. LinnikED20 says:

    Great post! I really liked that you gave suggestions, like working with influencers and bloggers to create partnered content.

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