12 SEO Trends to Know

Here are some tips on the internet I found to help you to improve your website and SEO rankings. I found this all very interesting because a lot of it relates to what we are learning in class.

  1. Artificial intelligence will play a larger role in SEO
  2. Voice Search will Impact Search Queries
  3. Mobile-Friendliness will impact search rankings
  4. Content that fulfills the Google EAT Principle Will Rank Higher
  5. Long-Form content will help improve SERP’s
  6. Featured Snippets will become more prominent
  7. Predictive Search is set to improve
  8. An effective SEO strategy will need to include a video
  9. Image optimization will play a larger role in search
  10. There will be more importance placed on semantically related keywords
  11. Local search listings will play a larger role in SEO strategies
  12. Data and analytics should become a search priority if you want to stay ahead in the search rankings

These 12 tips are super helpful because they give an outside perspective of what it takes to have a great website and to be ranked highly on Google. Search is something that continues to dominate our lives and something that we use everyday. It is very important to make the content the best we can for the users who are in need of our website to look at and gain useful information from. By following these useful tips there can be a lot of growth and learning that comes out of it. One thing that I am hoping is that the new AI technology will help find the websites that are using blackhat SEO strategies and bring them to light.

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2 Responses

  1. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    I hadn’t considered users searching using voice before! I’d love to learn how voice searching impacts queries. Having an outside perspective really helps develop SEO for your website too. Good post!

  2. talkorf19 says:

    Thank you, one of the better posts that help with SEO rankings and helping your website. Especially #7 which shows that there is some research behind it.

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