Elements of a Good Link

Backlinks are an SEO tool which is rapidly growing in popularity. What makes a good link? Here are three qualities of a good link:

  1. Solid Anchor Text

Anchor Text is the words used to put the link in the content. When you read blog posts, it will usually be highlighted and underlined in a different color to denote that it is a link. To form natural links, using context and the flow of content to word anchor text properly is key.

2. Relevance

A good link will be relevant to the content of your site, and any external sites you may want to link to. While developing niche content is valuable in some aspects of SEO, in links, it is best to keep the topic broad to ensure long-term relevance to a wide population.

3. Placement

Where you place your links matters. It is important to not bury your links, or they will never be used. Likewise, you don’t want to put your links too early or the rest of the content will be ignored.

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4 Responses

  1. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    Links can be really intimidating when you first start learning about SEO, but this is a great way to break it down into simple and easy-to-understand parts. Good post!

  2. douglassej22 says:

    These are three great steps to having a quality backlink. Anchor text is important and needs to have meaning to what you are writing about. SEO is always changing, so relevance is something that should be considered. Placement is also a key step for backlinks because you want your viewers to see your backlink.

  3. MiaCamp says:

    I agree with these three steps to create a good backlink. I think the third one is especially important because you can name it correctly, but if it’s placed somewhere hard to find, no one will ever see the backlink.

  4. vangrouwoc19 says:

    I like how short and to the point this post is! You do a great job highlighting the three most important qualities of a good link!

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