Chat GPT is getting smarter? What it means for SEO

The chat GPT-4 update has people asking many questions, mainly about the role GPT will begin to play in how humanity behaves. The newest update of chat GPT has significantly improved Chat GPT’s ability to communicate, answer questions, write essays, etc. GPT-4 even scored in the 90th percentile on the Uniform Bar Exam, an extraordinary feat. As Chat GPT begins to show an ability to write meaningful longform essays based off a prompt, create content plans, list blog titles, etc. society must begin to ask themselves, what does this mean for us? Furthermore, SEO specialists will have to examine what creating meaningful and useful content really means.

Is it ethical to use Chat GPT to create content?

Seeing that Chat GPT can write content that is intelligent enough to score higher than top students on exams, one might ask themselves if it really is a problem to create content using the AI system. Chat GPT can write at an honor student level and higher, has access to vast resources, can pull from some of the greatest minds and scholars to create original content… what’s really so bad about that?

When thinking about the content from a user perspective, as long as the information is relevant, up to date, helpful, and true, there shouldn’t be a problem. Technically this wouldn’t be seen as plagiarism in the strictest sense since Chat GPT isn’t a human creator. The content created is based off a human’s unique queries.

We must, however, think about the greater implications which arise from a society which relies to heavily on AI to create and source information for them. One woman was cited using Chat GPT to dispute a parking ticket for her because she couldn’t figure out the words to do it herself. If we begin to rely to heavily on Chat GPT to do our thinking for us, we risk being unable to come up with creative and unique ideas. Additionally, Chat GPT is sourcing it’s knowledge from the unique and scholarly work of others. If everyone starts relying on Chat GPT, where will the AI system get it’s information from. Chat GPT poses a threat to our ability to think and work to reach answers, rather than just having them handed to us. Eventually, it may come back to bite content creators, scholars, and everyday civilians alike.

Best practice

While it may be unethical to source all content exclusively from chat GPT, there are some ways that the AI system can be used to boost your content. Chat GPT is very helpful in overcoming writers block. The system can spew a series of potential writing topics at you, and even help you break down keywords and how to incorporate them into your content. It is also useful when conducting keyword research as it can pull together a list of relevant keywords in seconds.

Using chat GPT responsibly can be an excellent tool for SEO specialists who are careful in how they use it and are always considering the long-term consequences and how to best serve their target audiences.

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5 Responses

  1. botkintj19 says:

    I enjoyed how this article was organized when considering Chat GTP in terms of SEO. Chat GTP will make the SEO world much different, and it will bring about more ethical considerations.

  2. guidajt22 says:

    I am constantly surprised at the sheer knowledge that ChatGBT Has. I will not be surprised if it gets banned from all students in the future so students cannot use it to write essays in the future.

  3. fiscuseg21 says:

    Great post! To me, ChatGPT is a very impressive and powerful tool that should be used wisely. I agree that it does have some positive applications, such as overcoming writer’s block by providing a list of writing topics. However, the ethical line does start to blur when ChatGPT is used to actually write something on the topic.

  4. AMealy says:

    I’m in perfect agreement. We should be paying attention to the future implications of Chat-GPT in our society. The next generation may not only be born into a tech-saturated world, but a society that heavily relies on AI to deliver solutions. The education system in our country is already flawed enough; it’s concerning to think that young students may not be smart enough to write an eloquent essay or executable code or pass the bar exam because they have become accustomed to let AI think for them. There is unquestionably a lot of good that AI can do for us, but we should be careful to not let it cripple us.

  5. says:

    This post was very interesting because of the new and upcoming Chat-GPT! Chat-GPT is relatively new, but it is changing many industries rapidly. This new AI program has entered many different apps one of which is Snapchat. Great Post!

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