Using Beaver Builder for WordPress Sites

Beaver Builder is a useful plugin and tool that helps with streamlining the website development process. It is great for beginners and very user-friendly, even if you have never created a website before. Prior to this class, I had never built a website before, but Beaver Builder has truly helped me to create my first site.

The main helpful feature of Beaver Builder is that it allows you to drag, drop, and edit sections of your site from the ‘front end.’ This means that you can edit the website while seeing it exactly as a user would see the finished site. The array of drag-and-droppable objects for websites that Beaver Builder offers is extensive, including headings, text boxes, images, column structures, forms, and more. Each object is fully customizable, with options to edit color, font, opacity, position, gradient, and more. With Beaver Builder, the possibilities for your site are virtually limitless.

Beaver Builder also provides pre-made and pre-designed templates to make the website development process even easier. Templates vary based on page type and theme. Personally, for each page of my website, I began with a template that provided the basic structure that I wanted for the page. Then, I went it and customized the page to be the way I wanted it by changing pictures, colors, text, and fonts. Sections of the template are also easily removable and/or duplicable, in case you like part of a template but not the whole thing.

In all, Beaver Builder is a great tool for beginning website developers. The interface is very user-friendly and intuitive. The plugin offers a wide array of customizable options to create a website that is uniquely yours. If you haven’t yet, I highly suggest installing Beaver Builder and using it to create your site. I have found it to be a crucial tool in designing my own site!

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2 Responses

  1. vangrouwoc19 says:

    This is a super helpful intro to Beaver Builder, thanks for sharing! I especially appreciated your explanation of the various textbox, column, etc. functions that are available with the plugin.

  2. botkintj19 says:

    This is a great explanation of Beaver builder and how to use it. I’ve noticed that Beaver builder to be helpful with the templates so i am able to just drag and drop items on my site.

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