Introduction to SEO Analytics

SEO analytics is “the process of collecting, tracking, and analyzing your marketing data with the core aim of growing your website’s organic traffic.” Once you have executed a strategy to improve your website’s SEO, you can track its success and find further areas for improvement through analytics platforms like Google Analytics and link them to Google Search Console.

Google Analytics collects and summarizes data about your users’ interactions with your site for free. According to, “Some of the most notable features of GA that help improve SEO include tracking website performance, collecting visitor data, assessing marketing activity success, monitoring goal completions, spotting patterns in user engagement, and acquiring target audience and demographic information.” The article recommends checking:

  1. Which landing pages receive the most organic traffic?
  2. Which landing pages reach your conversion goals and which need to be updated or optimized?
  3. Which search queries generate the most clicks to your website?
  4. Which pages receive the most clicks from search results pages?
  5. How many organic search sessions does your website receive?

along with these SEO metrics:

  1. Bounce Rate
  2. Dwell Time
  3. Time on Page
  4. Site Speed
  5. Traffic from Mobile Devices
  6. Return on Investment
  7. Organic Conversion Rate

SEO analytics can help you increase your site’s relevance is to users by measuring its success over time and revealing usability challenges or opportunities for content.

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