SEO For Dummies Cheat Sheet – dummies

Decide Which Search Sites You Care About

Keywords: The Foundation of SEO

Search Engines and Votes

The Two Sides of SEO

On-page optimization and off-page optimization are essentially two sides to SEO. On-page optimization means the things you do to your web pages to make them “search engine friendly.” Putting keywords into URLs, heading tags, and title tags, using structured data markup to tag information, making sure your site’s pages load into users’ browsers quickly, and so on all fall under on-page optimization.

Off-page optimization means getting links pointing to your site from other sites— that is, backlinks (because they point back to your site). You need a variety of different types of links, including links from popular sites and links with good keywords in the anchor text (the text that can be read and clicked upon).

SEO Firms Often Mislead

Dominate the Search Results

Sitelinks below organic results

Search boxes below organic results

Special organic formatting

Knowledge Panels

Featured snippets

Using these basic tips you can raise your site’s SERP on Google and get more views.

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One Response

  1. says:

    This is a great post and I like the heading very creative. Breaking down off-site and on-site SEO strategies is very important for dummies because these are the two main types of SEO. Great post-Joey

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