What Are XML Sitemaps?

A XML sitemap is a file that will list a website’s essential pages. The point of a sitemap is to make sure Google can find and crawl all of your website’s pages. XML sitemaps also help Google understand the structure of your website. The goal is to have each page on your site crawlable; this will speed up content discovery as well.

Below is an example of what a XML sitemap looks like.

Google declares that XML sitemaps are especially essential for “really large websites,” “websites with large archives,” “new websites with just a few external links to it,” and “websites which use rich media content.” From the article on Yoast.com that I was reading, Yoast believes that every website can benefit from a XML sitemap. Every website should have Google be able to find essential pages easily and know when they were last updated. The Yoast SEO plugin includes the sitemap feature for this reason.

To conclude, XML sitemaps are essential to a website so that Google can crawl its pages, and better understand the structure of the website.


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