Original Content Ideas

Original, unique, interesting content is at the core of any successful website. Not only will original content draw users and customers to your business, but it will also attract the eye of large companies related to yours. Why does this matter to you? If other companies are interested in your content, they may link to your business on their site, generating even more traffic for your business. There are many different types of unique content that may be used for link-earning purposes.

First, you may choose to incorporate interesting written content into your site. For example, you could include a ‘blog’ page within your site and use it to publish original articles or stories related to your business. Blog pages are a great way to publish written content because they have the ability to be updated and added to as your company grows.

Another major category of original content is visual content. If your site sells a product, advertises an event, or simply presents information, original photos and videos related to your topic are crucial. If you are selling a product, customers want to see a variety of photos and/or videos of the product before they will consider purchasing it. If you are advertising an event, participants want to see photos/videos from past years of the event, so they know what to expect. Beyond that, original visual content will spark interest in users viewing your site.

Additionally, you may choose to incorporate a podcast or other auditory content into your website. Similar to written and visual content, a podcast will give users a clear picture of your company. However, a podcast feels more ‘personal’ and may connect better with users.

Overall, original content is key for a successful website. Whether you incorporate written, visual, auditory, or a mixture of content into your website, the important idea to note is that users are seeking something new and interesting that they have never seen before. If you create something original for your target audience, you will set your business up for success.

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One Response

  1. LinnikED20 says:

    This was a great post! Love the descriptions and content.

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