Are Voice Searches going to replace Traditional Text-Based Searches?

When you pull out your phone and navigate to a browser to click on the microphone icon or say, “Hey Siri” and ask a question, that is considered a Voice search. Voice search is becoming increasingly popular as it allows for a more natural and conversational way of searching. Additionally, it provides a method for searching to those who may not have their hands free, such as when someone is driving or cooking.

Considering the broad application of Voice search, there are still some limitations, but for the most part they are very minor. Limitations could include difficulties in accurately interpreting accents or understanding complex queries. However, Voice searches allow for more precise and specific searches, as users can edit and refine their search terms as needed. has produced some interesting statistics on voice searches that give some insight as to the quality of content and where responses are pulled from for voice searches. After Analyzing 10,000 Google Search results, it was found that around 40% of all answers to voice searches were pulled from Featured Snippets. It was also found that HTTPS websites account for around 70% of all voice search result pages. 75% of voice search results are from one of the top three ranking pages in a given query. And lastly, hopefully to no one’s surprise websites with Strong Link authority tend to rank well in voice search.

While voice search will likely continue to grow in popularity and become more widely adopted, it’s unlikely to completely replace traditional text-based searches. The two methods of search will likely continue to coexist and complement each other.

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2 Responses

  1. welkersg21 says:

    It is really interesting to see the different types of searching and how they are alike and different. The statistics about the types of results when searched with voice or text-based search are interesting as well. Great post!

  2. says:

    Great post I enjoyed learning more about voice searches because I knew very little about this area of SEO. The convenience and ease of use that voice search provides make it an increasingly popular way for people to search for information. As you mentioned, one of the key advantages of voice search is its ability to enable hands-free searching, which is particularly useful for individuals who may be engaged in other activities such as driving or cooking.

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