The SEO and Psychology When Building a Business

When a young entrepreneur is starting a business, they have to keep the end user in the forefront of their mind. Especially when it comes to their online presence and their website for their startup. They should be asking questions like, who are they trying to reach? How do you get someone to come back to your website? How can I make a memorable impression? The psychology behind starting a business is becoming more and more important. SEO is all about conversion rates and views. A business owner needs to understand humans and their habits. Understanding how people process new information and create connections to your content is important to turning online viewers into actual customers of your company.

A lot can be told about the company at first glance. A business owner needs to create great, original content. The name of a company and the opening page of a website can give a major impression to the online viewer. This content is key to getting the right customers for a business. It might be content like telling an emotional story or the meaning behind the name of your business. Also, a new startup needs to understand that simplicity is better than too many words taking up a website. In SEO, entrepreneurs should have a good idea of who they are trying to reach, and their content should reflect their end goal for viewers.

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2 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    I liked that this post highlighted the importance of understanding consumer behavior. Knowing the “why” behind why people do specific things in a commercial buying situation has a strong connection with efficient SEO functions. It is a crucial step before content generation even takes place during the strategy development phase.

  2. nakhlacn17 says:

    When you consider that entrepreneurs are also consumers themselves, it’s actually interesting how often they fail to think about the end-user. As people, we know how people think, yet for whatever reason we sometimes stop thinking about that when we’re so focused on selling a product.

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