SEO and Google Analytics

Google Analytics, like we talked about in class, is a web analytics and SEO tool that provides advanced statistics and basic analytical tools for website optimization and marketing. Google Analytics is also commonly used for website performance and visitor data.

Here are some ways to track your SEO performance with Google Analytics. First, start with creating SEO-related goals. Before starting with an SEO strategy, create SEO goals in Google Analytics. When you are setting your goals, don’t focus on tracking just your organic traffic. Also measure the quality of the organic visitors. Are they the people that you want to be finding your site? How long do they stay on your site? What content are they viewing most? 

Second, be sure to apply the right filters for accurate SEO reporting. When using Google Analytics it is very important to use the correct segments and filters to get rid of spam traffic for accurate and helpful reporting. Third, it will be important for you to improve SEO on your highest converting pages. This looks like regularly checking your top-performing pages and finding opportunities to optimize. This can be things like updating articles to recent content. Fourth, add annotations to track content updates. Most marketers resort to pruning every three to six months and when this happens, tracking the results can make a big difference. Finally, it will be very helpful to find referral sites. A Google Analytics referral happens when the website refers traffic to you which will bring more visitors to your site. 

There are many ways in which Google Analytics helps improve SEO. The two work together to help improve visits to a site. 

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