Competitor SEO Analysis

Sometimes the best research you can do in SEO is that of your competitors. Not only can you see flaws in their site, but you can gain inspiration for your own site. A lot of times, this research will point out niches and gaps you can take advantage of. This will allow you to create unique and valuable content that your competitors aren’t providing. You can also find long-tail keywords that your competitors aren’t utilizing. This will allow your business to rank higher in certain searches than your competitors. Using tools, you can also discover the traffic your competitors’ sites are receiving. This will allow you to have an understanding where their traffic is coming from and how much traffic they are receiving. You can also determine your competitors’ top products and promotions by seeing their products’ stats for cart, trial, and checkout success pages. You can also compare yourself to your competitors in terms of market share. Using SEMrush, you can determine who is earning more and who is earning less of the market. Through SEMrush, you can utilize these features and many more when analyzing the competition. It is a very important aspect of SEO that all companies should try to implement in their business analyzing strategy.

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4 Responses

  1. testacr22 says:

    This is a really interesting topic. I think learning from your competitors and doing what they do well is something that can be very helpful when you are optimizing a website. It is almost like getting a second opinion on a project or a big decision. Having some sort of outside perspective can help you to find things that you missed in your original trial. Being able to take some ideas and keywords that competitors are not utilizing is a great way to make your website the best that it can possibly be. Great post!

  2. vangrouwoc19 says:

    I think this is a really great post! It’s definitely so important to keep track of your competitors, and I agree that doing this research can help you to find keywords etc. that your competitors aren’t using and ultimately serve searchers where they aren’t.

  3. welkersg21 says:

    It is definitely important to keep in mind what competitors are doing in the world of SEO. Thanks for these tips!

  4. nakhlacn17 says:

    The fact that so many people are illiterate when it comes to SEO and effective content marketing definitely helps grant a competitive edge and provide good examples of what not to do.

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